Examples of Applications

Control Systems Made With Redul PLCs

Programmable logic controllers (PLC) REDUL BX00 are a universal tool for creating control systems for technological (production) processes of any complexity in metallurgical, oil and gas, power, mining and other industries.

Controllers B600 and B500 were designed for the use in complex and fault-tolerant control systems for rapidly changing and critical physical processes. It includes turbine control and protection, equipment for power stations, and continuous processes in oil transportation and oil refining.

REDUL BX00 PLC were created with the use of powerful processors, enabling the processing of large amounts of data in short cycle times. The line of the REDUL controllers features modular structure, a high number of I/O channels in one system, unrivaled flexibility in designing a control system, built-in hardware redundancy with toleration of multiple faults, hot-swappable modules.

All REDUL BX00 controllers are configured and programmed in one software environment, Sigma LD. All major technical decisions are also the same for all the series.

Smart Metering for LACT Units
Oil Pumping Stations and Tank Farms
Multi-Protocol Industrial Gateway
Gas Odorizing Control System
Electronic Overspeed Trip
Electric Part of the Turbine Control and Protection System
Automatic Load Frequency Control System
Automatic Gas Pressure Regulators